An unusual place to visit in the Irish Sea (if you can get to it).
[Some NOTES on the Geography, Peoples, & HISTORY
(Natural and Humane) of the Strange & Wonderful ISLAND
The Planet Blenkinsop developed out of an early role-playing game that I developed with my brother in the 1960s (Gerousle). The story of Bettylou, presented here, is based on the 'biographical' cards generated during the playing of this game. You might also want to visit the Blenkinsop
web site.
This author has been inventing imaginary places all his life, starting as soon as he could hold a crayon or pencil. In 1996, he got his first home computer and has not stopped playing with this new toy since. Several of these imaginary compositions were found in file folders that have been kept around for ages, others were written specifically for the Internet. Hope you enjoy them.