Some Curious Fauna of Farnish
The Grillslug (Arionidus Farnishensus [Limax])
A large mollusk (up to 18" long) inhabiting the GLIB WOOD and BORWOOD.
The flesh is poisonous to eat, but as the Grillslug subsists largely
on rabbits, capturing them by lying wait in their burrows, the Islanders
hold the creatures in high regard. No garden is considered complete
without one, but cats and small dogs must needs be segregated from the
garden Grillslug.

The Helm Snail (Helix helmus)
An extinct species of snail, once highly coveted for its shell,
the circumference of which is great enough for it to be worn on the head.
Old armour always included a Helm Snail helmet for ceremonial occasions,
and after the last Helm Snail was killed in 1374*, Farnishite battle
helms continued to be fashioned in the traditional helical shape down to
the 16th century.
* The last surviving Helm Snail was found in Glen Cleft, but the
Esquire of Lunge claimed that it had strayed from his lands. The famous
Duel of the Helm resulted (see "The Ballad of Helmsduel")
The Red-Breasted Raven (Corvus rubella)

The Heraldic Beast of Farnish, portrayed on the
Arms, Banners, Ensigns, etc. of the island. |
The Thorn-Billed Egret (Ardea spicus)
An extremely rare migratory bird, nesting in Spring on the East
and West Fasts. The hen lays only one egg per season, regardless of
whether it is fertile or not. It has been reported, without verification,
that these creatures Winter in the Land of Serendip.

[I was kind of smashed when I 'Paintbrushed' this, yet
surprisingly the effect came out just the way I wanted it!
But the beak should have been more orangey than greenish. --G.S.]
The Himp Rat (Mus Limpus)
The common Rat of Farnish. Characterised by a long red tail and
curled yellow tusks, the Himp Rat is a carrier of Himp Fever, formerly
called the Green Sweats, a disease, often fatal, in which the victim
literally turns mouldy. The 5th Lord Farnisham (d. 1627) perished from
this malady, as did seven of his eight children. Hugh Greenface, the
Baker, is the only man known to suffer the disease chronically, as one
is usually carried off quickly or recovers suddenly with a shedding of
all skin, which henceforth takes on the characteristic Farnish 'blue hue'.

The Tree Pigs (Swinus arboris [Porcus])
Domiciled in GLIB WOOD. Little is known of this arboreal creature
as no one (save for the Treepigg Family, traditional hunters of the
beast) has ever seen one in its habitat. But I can report that they
are delicious to eat.